Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Reverse Discrimination Method of Voting '06

"Farther away were the wars of terror, the gunmen in love with the sound of their shells, where the main purpose of war had become war." -- Anil's Ghost, M. Ondaatje.

Q: What is the difference between the Republicans and Democrats?

Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke, right? My point exactly.

Candidates: Maybe it's time to give the Greens and Libertarians a chance.

Propositions: If it costs money, I vote: NO.

The 40 odd Judge Appointments: No way I have the time to research all these people. I'm sure either of the two judges vying for each are qualified and will do a good job, but I have to pick one. So I do this:
  • I pick the ethnic name.
  • I pick the female candidate.
  • If the above two steps fail me, I flip a coin.
I did my due diligence. Total time spent on Election '06: 90 minutes. (That's including this post.)